It’s a brown seaweed extract, absurdly healthy but often unknown, overlooked or misunderstood. Fucoidan may not be from Atlantis, but it comes from brown seaweed grown in Tonga, Okinawa and other exotic locations around the globe. Here are five important fucoidan facts we think you should know:

 Pronounced “foo-koy-dan”, fucoidan is a naturally occurring sulphated polysaccharide (complex carbohydrate) extracted from brown seaweed.

 It is mainly found in the cell walls of brown seaweeds such as mozuku, kombu, bladderwrack, and wakame.

 Fucoidan is the “slippery” part of the brown seaweed, and research indicates that it helps protect the seaweed from the effects of drying out when exposed at low tides.

 Fucoidans are edible, abundant and non-toxic, and they have remarkable bioactive properties and potential health benefits for humans.

Fucoidan is a standard complementary therapy in parts of Asia, including Japan, Korea and China, where it is routinely prescribed to patients. It is only in recent years that the western world has begun to take an interest as its phenomenal human health potential has become known.


Multifunctional role of fucoidan, sulfated polysaccharides in human health and disease: A journey under the sea in pursuit of potent therapeutic agents.

We call it nature’s immunity boost! To give your body the everyday support it needs for optimal health, fucoidan comes to the rescue with a phenomenal variety of health benefits that leave other immune-boosting supplements in the dust. Its researched and reported health benefits cover at least eight important areas.



A healthy immune system is vital for good health as it helps to protect our bodies from invading viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, modern life can dampen our immune function through chemicals, stress, lack of sleep and unhealthy food. Regular and recurrent infections are a sign that your immune system may not be working as it should.

Luckily, you can enhance and support your immune system to enable it to build resistance to infections and pathogens. Published research papers have shown that fucoidan may help do this with its special immune modulating properties.

Immune modulating substances can boost or ‘turn on’ the immune system when it is depressed (such as with chronic fatigue or a cold) and can also suppress the immune system when it is over-stimulated (such as with autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis).

The powerful ability of fucoidan to bring the immune system back into balance is an extremely useful fucoidan health benefit and enables the immune system to function correctly.

The action of interferon in slowing viral infection.When a cell becomes infected with virus (1) it releases interferons (IFN) which are recognised by receptors on neighbouring cells (2). This cell produces anti-viral proteins (3), so that if it subsequently becomes infected with a virus (4), replication of the virus is inhibited (5).

No one likes getting sick or contracting an infection. There are over 400 different viruses that can cause human infections, such as the common cold, the flu, hepatitus and HIV.

Natural antiviral therapies inhibit the development of viruses in the body. Published research has indicated that fucoidan possesses a remarkable capacity to inhibit a broad spectrum of viruses including  influenza, hepatitis B, citomegalovirus and herpes simplex. Evidence shows that fucoidan can halt the progression of infections through the body by preventing viruses from entering host cells, and also by blocking attachment of viruses to host cell surfaces.



As your immune system loses the ability to shut down after beneficial inflammatory processes (such as healing a sprained ankle, or fighting an infection), you can be left with harmful, chronic inflammation. Inflammation is thought to be one of the main underlying factors present in just about every chronic health condition, including Crohn’s disease, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and asthma. In fact, research has shown that inflammation could be at the root of most disease.

Fucoidan has shown tremendous therapeutic anti-inflammatory potential in addressing conditions caused by chronic inflammation, such as arthritis-related joint inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. There is growing evidence that shows fucoidan can interfere with the migration of leukocytes to the sites of inflammation, thereby stopping the body producing pro-inflammatory cytokines.

It is becoming evident that gut health and gut flora play a more important role in overall health and wellbeing than previously realised.

There is significant interest in the potential of fucoidan, a natural prebiotic, to improve a range of digestive health conditions. Fucoidan is a complex carbohydrate and can improve digestive processes by absorbing water and pushing food along the digestive tract. Fucoidan is also known to have a unique ability to address both inflammation and infection, which are two known causes of stomach irritation and pain.

Research has also shown that fucoidan is effective in healing gastric ulcers, restraining influenza, inhibiting bacterial infections (such as E.coli and Heliobacter pylori), and reducing gut inflammation and colitis.

New research has recently confirmed the marked effect of fucoidan on ageing-related processes.

Recent studies have revealed that it activates a key enzyme that influences lifespan called sirtuin 6. Sirtuin 6 is one of seven sirtuin enzymes that impact a range of cellular processes in humans, such as ageing, telomere function and stress resistance.

Research has also demonstrated that fucoidan may promote vascular health, stimulate immune responses, and protect brain cells.

Finally, new research has recently confirmed the soothing, protective and anti-ageing properties of fucoidan for cosmetic and skincare applications.

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can cause severe damage to our cells if they’re not neutralised by antioxidants. If our levels of natural antioxidants are not high enough to counteract the damaging effect of these free radicals, then oxidative stress will occur. Oxidative stress is known to be a precursor to over 200 different human diseases. We know that stress, life habits, environmental pollutants, and aging all serve to reduce our own supply of natural antioxidants and increase free radical production. The good news is that we can improve our body’s natural supply of antioxidants with supplementation.

The main mechanism by which fucoidan exerts its primary antioxidant action is by scavenging free-radicals. Research has shown that fucoidan may also improve that natural production of antioxidants. The results also show the presence of polyphenols in fucoidan, which are widely known to have antioxidative actions (such as those found in tea, herbs and red wine). The presence of polyphenols may explain the antioxidative actions of fucoidan.

Fucoidan is known to possess potent anticoagulant (blood-thinning) properties, which may be beneficial in preventing or treating certain health conditions such stroke, heart attack, or deep vein thrombosis.

Researchers also cite fucoidan as having the potential to be used as a natural antithrombotic agent, potentially reducing the need for prescription drugs (eg heparin) to treat blood clotting problems.

Because of its anticoagulant ability, it is generally recommended that fucoidan should avoided by people who are taking blood thinning medications.

Fucoidan research to date has mainly been conducted via in vitro studies (human cells in the laboratory), as well as animals studies. More recently, human clinical trials are being undertaken and completed.

Substantiation of fucoidan benefits is constantly changing and we are continually reviewing new research. Where possible, we have included all the latest and most relevant scientific research references. Please let us know if you have a study you think we should take a look at.


As fucoidan is obtained from brown seaweed, shouldn’t I just include more brown seaweed into my diet? Unfortunately, you would have to consume around 1 kg of brown seaweeds to obtain about 1 gram of fucoidan, so it is definitely more convenient to take supplements.

Dosage for fucoidan ranges from 100mg to up to 8,000mg per day. For general health maintenance and optimisation, we recommend a dosage of 250mg per day.

The not-for-profit Research Institute in Japan, recommends at least 1,000mg – 2,000mg per day if you are fighting adult lifestyle-related diseases, and at least 3,000mg – 6,000mg per day as an adjuvant cancer therapy.

Also please note that your body’s immune cells are active during the day and inactive in the evening, so fucoidan supplements should be taken four times a day, at regular intervals, for the best results.

Is Fucoidan Safe To Take?

Fucoidan, unlike chemical drugs and synthetic vitamins, occurs naturally and has been eaten by millions in brown seaweed for centuries. It is generally recognised as non-toxic and safe for human consumption.

Most people who try it will experience no side effects. However, individual physiological differences mean that some people may experience mild side effects associated with its bioactive functions.

Although rare, some people can have allergic reactions to brown seaweed. In addition, because fucoidan is a rich source of natural fiber, it has also been known to cause minor bloating, wind and loose stools depending on dosage. This is nothing to worry about and after a while you will return to normal regularity. Finally, be cautious if you are already taking anticoagulents, such as warfarin or heparin, as it may also be an anticoagulent and may increase your risk of bleeding.

Also please note that your body’s immune cells are active during the day and inactive in the evening, so fucoidan supplements should be taken four times a day, at regular intervals, for the best results.





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