Category Archives: FUCOIDAN NEWS

New biotechnological method from fucoidan gives hope for treatment of AMD

“If it is possible to drip eyes with this enzymatically extracted fucoidan from seaweed, this opens up for the possibility of developing a simple, gentle, and inexpensive method for AMD prevention and treatment. “ Professor Anne S Meyer, DTU Bioengineering Special substances extracted from seaweed using enzymes have been shown in laboratory tests to have […]

Nutritional Characteristics and the Effects of the Seaweeds

Seaweed is a generic term for all types of marine algae. Most of the seaweeds contain minerals, vitamins, proteins, sulfated polysaccharides, EPA, and low molecular weight sodium alginate. There are more than 2,000 of discovered kinds of seaweed growing near Japan only. There are three most typical of seaweed kinds:  brown algae, red algae, and […]

Agaricus Blazei Antitumor Effects

A miracle drug for cancer has not yet been developed, but we have received feedback by people who have actually taken agaricus, saying “There is no relapse after surgery,” “There was a reduction in cancer cells,” “I started drinking agaricus and my hay fever symptoms went away,” and the like. Thus, agaricus has a variety […]

Fucoidan and vitamin C in the fight against cancer

Seaweed’s eternal life energy — fucoidan. Noda et al. formed a research group concerned with antitumor properties of seaweed and conducted research on antitumor activity with respect to polysaccharides and lipids contained in many seaweeds. First, in order to discover antitumor activity in a variety of different seaweeds, they investigated 4 species of green algae, […]

Fucoidan Immune Activation Effects

From birth, we humans are blessed with a natural ability to resist viruses and bacteria and to recover from many illnesses. This ability is called immunity. But, due to age and many other factors, such as the environment and stress, our immunity may weaken. When small foreign objects enter our body, macrophage cells, which are […]